About Me

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Second Survey to Aid in the "All About Me" Post

Here are my responses to the "All-About-You Interview":
What do you know to be true…
The vagueness of this question pains me. I know many things to be true. In this case, I must say that I know I am on the right path. I am completely into what I do and know 110% for sure that I am doing what I am meant to do. 

What was the dumbest thing that you used to believe in? What changed your mind?                                             
         The only thing that comes to mind is how my uncle convinced me that if I ate chicken I would grow feathers behind my ears and have a green stripe down my back… But I was very young at the time and didn’t know any better. My mother changed my mind, but it took her a while to convince me that it wasn’t true.

What do you know the most about? 
          I know the most about being a diligent student. I don’t know myself very well, but I do know my habits and what I partake in. I have been a student for the majority of my life and this has given me an outlook to have. I know that I can wake up early and work all day, as long as I am passionate about what I do. 

Why do you do what you do?                                                             
          I do what I do because I love it. No one is telling me that I have to go to school and get a degree. I am pursuing the path I have chosen because it makes me happy. I have peace of mind knowing that I will have a career that I can support myself with and a family, too. I love science and it has always been my niche. I have a natural affinity for science and it keeps me going.

One word: breakthrough. What comes to mind?                                                      
          Initially I think about someone busting through a line of trees or bushes or something. So maybe that can be used to think about how I view the word. Breakthrough makes me think of accomplishment or freedom.

What has been one of your most memorable experiences in your career?                                
           In my career as a student, one of my most memorable experiences had to be graduating valedictorian of my high school class. I have had plenty of experiences in college thus far, but being valedictorian was special in a sense that it was an achievement for my whole family. My family was not a scholastic family, and to give this honor to my last name gives my family something to cherish.

What global policy, credo, practice, or law would you like to decree?                             
            I would decree the Golden Rule, “do unto others, as others do unto you” ~ or, “One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.”

What experience tested your mettle but made you a better person?                             
           Struggling with my roommate and friend, Amber during my sophomore year of college. I was going through a lot of changes and wasn’t sure if I wanted to be friends with her, but I learned a lot about myself through this experience and learned that I want to be a good friend and I want to be her friend. I learned characteristics about myself that I didn’t know I had, that I am not confrontational among other things. Now that I know these things, I am working on living with them and using them as strengths.

Finish this sentence: “It’s a good day when…”                                                 
             Ultimately, it’s a good day when I am happy. But many things make me happy. It can be a good day when I spend time with a friend, or hear from a friend who I miss. It can be a good day when something awesome happens in lab, or when I connect with Dr. Lee and find out something new about her or graduate schools. 

When was the last time you thought, “Yes! That person has so got it going on!”?                    
             On the McNair Bootcamp trip to Kentucky.                

What question in your life has had the biggest impact on you?                                          
           “How do you want to feel?”

What are you positively addicted to?                                                      
           I am positively addicted to coffee… and learning new things. Whether it is scholastic or something like yoga. I love learning!

What’s the best advice you were ever given in terms of business?                                           
            Do what makes you happy.         

What’s the most common life advice that you give to your friends?                              
            I always tell my friends that everything happens for a reason. And I truly believe it.                
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word devotion?                          
             A married couple. Two people that have a loving devotion to each other.

What are you most interested in?                                                                          
           I am most interested in science.

What are you incredibly grateful for?                                                                                   
           I am incredibly grateful for having influential friends and family who have given me the self-confidence and courage to be who I am today. I am grateful for their unconditional love and support.

What’s your form of service to the world?                                                                          
            My form of service to the world is helping people. I hope to someday share something new to the world that will have a positive impact in people’s lives.

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