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Sunday, August 25, 2013

One Door Closes, But So Many More Open

Tonight is officially my last night of summer "vacation". Holy cow, where did time go. About 8 hours stand between me and my first class as a junior. And it is physics. What can be better than that!!?.... ;-) So, I should probably be sleeping right now, but I have desperately missed blogging.

This summer has been absolutely incredible. Hands down. I made several new friends and began down the path of self discovery. I conquered a high ropes course, butter laden food in Kentucky, kayaking, a rigorous gym routine twice a week, yoga once a week, ran my first 5K, and the daunting Graduate Record Examination! I have realized that even though classes are starting, I want to still be able to explore these things while doing well with my coursework. I hope to find a balance, be able to enjoy my classes while running, going to yoga and the gym and even spending time with my friends. Also, I cannot forget the research! Even though I have completed my current research project, it has opened up my eyes to so much more that can be done, and I eagerly anticipate pursuing more research with my mentor.

One of the most significant experiences I had this summer was the creation of a new friendship. I consider myself so fortunate to be best friends with Andrew Derry. He has helped me through tough times and I know he is there for me through thick and thin. I am excited to be a part of his senior year at CMU. Along with Andy, Kim Whitney inspired me to go outside of my comfort zone this summer by attending the gym sessions with me. I greatly owe them both for the inspiration and confidence boost they have given me!

I have so many fond memories this summer. Like the fun car trips in Kentucky (such as going 10 miles out of the way to not go over a bridge), getting so messy at the Color Run and kayaking tandem with Andy. However, I know that there are so many more to come this year. I have so many caring friends and family and wonderful faculty mentors in my life. I look forward to the new experiences to come! Bring it on, junior year! :-)


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