My life has been full of several experiences that most people my age have no notion of, but these experiences have made me who I am today. In addition to the experiences that I have encountered, numerous people have influenced who I am and where I am in my life.
The two people who have been my biggest influences on my life are Robert and Connie Hay. Mrs. Hay introduced me to my love of science. Mrs. Hay was my middle school science teacher who taught me the broad basis of my scientific knowledge and encouraged my growth in the subject. Mr. Hay was my middle school choir director and later my high school band director. Together, Mr. and Mrs. Hay opened up the option of attending Central Michigan University during my senior year of high school. Without their help, I would probably be at Northern Michigan University with a completely different life and not aspiring to obtain my doctoral degree in chemistry. I am so grateful for their help in getting me where I am now, and for all of the wisdom and knowledge they have shared with me to make me who I am. Over the years, Mr. and Mrs. Hay have evolved and become more than just inspirational teachers to me, but more as family to me. Whenever I need them, I know they will be there.
In addition to my extended family of the Hays, I have strong motivation, encouragement, and love from my family. My mother always wanted me to go to college. She raised me to be who I am, and I am proud to be her daughter. My mentor, Dr. Lee has also been a huge inspiration. I see the impact Dr. Lee has on my life and others, and it has inspired me to help future students and pursue a career in academia as a professor.
Although I have several people who have influenced my life, from teachers to family and friends, I have had many experiences that have made me the Amanda Clark that I am today. I am very mature for my age from learning about many health experiences first hand. After going through six months of chemotherapy, I will never stop my desire to fight cancer.
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